Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Slowly Goin' Up

Beginning Bankroll: $14.28

Actually, today's report covers my pokering for 2 days, yesterday and today. But I only played 3 NLHE SNGs, so I don't have lots to report. However, I do have a lot of success to report for those 3 tourneys: 2 second places and a win! The win and a second yesterday, another second tonight. I think I've finally found the strategy that works for me. (Now if I could just find the secret to getting dealt great hole cards all the time, I'd really have something! In my 3 SNGs these past 2 days, I didn't get pocket aces even once!)

In my last 8 SNGs, all this month, I've won 3, come in second 3 more times, and taken fourth and fifth the other 2. And in my fourth place finish, I was firmly in second place but made the mistake of taking on the big stack (who only had me covered by 200 or so chips, while the other 2 players were extremely short-stacked), going all-in with pocket kings pre-flop. He, of course, had pocket aces. I hate when that happens! But overall, things are going well; over these past 2 days I've grown my bankroll by 44%. True pro's would scoff at that result, but hey, I'm still learning the skills, have little time for the pursuit, and am playing carefully to grow my bankroll instead of letting it backslide.

Thanks for checking on my results today. Please keep checking back, and drop me some comments. And good luck at the tables.

Ending Bankroll: $20.58, up $6.30

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, congrat's on staying "positive". :-)

I have some questions for you that don't need to be on here. Would you mind emailing me, please?

Thanks! And keep on truckin' (har, har, har)